Friday, February 28, 2014

"Lord, Who am I?"

That is a question I ask myself almost daily as I look in the mirror.  Just taking a  quick look many things come to my mind.  Then I take a longer look,  "Eww, you really DON'T want to color your hair?"  "Man, you could have used more sleep."  "Mmmm, a Mary Kay make over is way over due."  "Umm, how about a new wardrobe?"

Then I look deeper, no, not at the wrinkles, sagging skin, imperfections of the skin, but beyond that..."Lord, who am I?"  I am a child of THE Holy God, a wife, a mother,  a mammi, an aunt, a daughter, a sister,  a friend, most of all a sinner.  

The last one, a sinner, is what really gets me.  I AM A SINNER!  Why would a Holy God want to bother with me?  Maybe because I am worth loving? 

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

What can I say?  I can't argue with scripture.  Amazing how one verse can hold so much power.  God loved, so I am worth being loved.

But still, "Lord, who am I?"  I take an even deeper look.  "Lord, who am I?"  I am a fallen woman trying to walk a life that is pleasing to my Savior.  I like the blog header that Sarah Mae has on her blog, "fitting perfect into fallen".  Yes, I like that.  I am not perfect, never will be this side of heaven.  I can not measure up to what God wants me to be, because I will always fall short of it.  But God knew that when His Spirit drew me to Him.  He knew that I could not be a wife, a mother, a mammi, an aunt, a daughter, a sister, a friend without Him. 

So I ask again, "Lord, who am I?"  And He whispers that I am His child and no matter what comes my way I am His.  I will lean on His everlasting arm and let Him guide me through this life until I see His face in Glory.

I am probably not going to color my hair...I am trying to age gracefully.  I probably will not get much more sleep, the Mary Kay make over will never be possible, and the wardrobe will always be lacking.  But I know who I am and will rely on Him to walk me step by step.

Just three of the reasons why I am
 Leaning on the Everlasting Arm.

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